Instagram, the fastest growing social media platform ever, has released a few changes for its users in tandem with the release of iOS 13. The updated app will also be available across the latest Android operating systems as well.
The first major change is the addition of Dark Mode across both iOS and Android. The Dark Mode changes have proved popular particularly for iPhone users and are currently a trending choice. Simply changing the colour scheme to provide a darker, mostly black base behind the main functionality of the app. This means the screen appears as dark background colours with light text as opposed to the opposite being standard.
Given the popularity of the app among millennials, the alternative theme is a welcome change and many prefer it over the standard lighter theme.
Another major change for the app is the removal of the ‘Following’ tab. This has been trialled on a select group of users but is now due to roll out to the entire Instagram user base. The Following feature allowed any given user to see the Instagram activity of the users they follow. This includes likes and comments on others images but also highlights when users follow a new account.
The Instagram product team have said that the Following tab was originally designed as a way for users to discover new accounts and content through what their contacts and following base had been up to on the app. This approach was designed ahead of the launch of the Explore tab. As such, it has been determined that Following was no longer needed and potentially caused a privacy issue which could impact on user activity.
It is entirely feasible that users may shy away from open interaction in all areas if they are aware that their followers are able to see and potentially monitor all of this activity very easily via the Following tab. The last thing Instagram wants, like any thriving social media platform, is for its users to have any reason to hesitate from interacting as much as possible within their app. Despite this though, the Instagram product team has stated that throughout testing, it was revealed that in actuality not many users really knew or understood how the Following tab actually worked.
Instagram is also trying to help users avoid phishing scams. The company is adding a new security feature that adds a list of official email addresses from companies, letting users cross-check if an email they have received is from the relevant company or a malicious user.
All of these changes go to show that no matter how popular or established your business app design is, there is always the opportunity to refine, develop and improve.