Managing a business or indeed a string of businesses or ecommerce websites, investments and the like can be tough, time consuming and stressful. With ideas, to-do lists, networking obligations and perhaps even a team to manage, it’s easy to let your career consume you and even easier for you to forget about other important aspects of your life- including your health.
Now we’ve talked about mental health recently, but physical health is another aspect many pre-occupied businesspeople neglect. When it comes to your physical health and fitness, we’re not necessarily talking about spending hours in the gym or taking 10 mile runs at the weekend. We’re simply talking about ensuring you’re not damaging your basic physical health through your busy lifestyle.
Here are two very fundamental things you need to take seriously as a bare minimum.
Hydration and in general taking on enough clean fluids throughout the day is something of a national crisis as we turn more and more to coffee, energy drinks, carbonated sugar rich drinks and even sugar dense fruit juices. It’s all to easy to grab something like this on the go, particularly with the view of increasing energy and alertness. But when it comes to hydration nothing compares to good old-fashioned H2O.
The cells in your body are made up essentially of almost 80% water and it is essential for you to continue to live a healthy basic life. It also aids digestion, brain function, alertness and a whole host of basic day to day bodily functions that if left neglected will start to turn on you and lead to gradual illness. The average person even if not overly active should be looking to consume 2 litres of water per day particularly starting first thing in the morning.
When under stress and having to manage a great many tasks on a day to day basis with long days and short nights, your SNC (Central Nervous System) is getting absolutely punished. While the obvious effects of fatigue and tiredness will show on you both physically and in how you feel, affecting everything from short term memory retention to focus and even your ability to cope with stressful situations, it also affects you physically and will lead to your body taking a longer time to heal and recover from trauma as well as leading to a less effective immune system overtime.
Everyone needs different levels of sleep but across the board if you’re not getting a bare minimum of 6 hours’ worth of quality sleep each night you’re heading into a troublesome area.
What tips do you have for staying busy but healthy as the all-important holiday season approaches?