How to get people to download your app
- By Eazi Business
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- 23 Aug, 2012
Once the app is on the customer’s phone, your business has the opportunity to send push notifications that will drive people through the doors to spend more money.
However, one question that seems to arise time and time again when businesses are looking at the viability of an app is: “How do we get people to download the app in the first place?”. Here are some ideas to get your customers to download your app:
Your App Must Offer Value
The first thing to remember is that an app for your business needs to have value for your customers in order for them to download it in the first place. If you do not add value, your app will not be used and may even be removed from the users phone.
Some of the best ways to add value are through coupons, loyalty programs and special offers. Off course, the purpose of the mobile app is not just to give discounts, it is to increase your bottom line. However it is great to incentivise your customers to spend more with your business, more frequently.
Employee Awareness and Education
Your employees will more than likely be talking to customers every day. They are your quickest and easiest way to start getting the message out about your new business app. There are really effective strategies that can be used.
For example, an employee could say “Before I make your booking or process your payment, I want to tell you that if you download our app you can instantly save 5% on your purchase”. Another example could be “When you download our mobile app, you can use the loyalty coupon that can give you great discounts when you make 3 purchases with us”.
You can be as creative as you want here! Every business has their own processes and your app should feature within this process. There are daily opportunities to get people to download your app from your receptionist to customer services.
Social Media
Promote your app through your social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Let people know that you launched a mobile app for your business. This would involve at least one status update and tweet. Remember to be creative when spreading the word. Don’t just say “we have a new mobile app – please download it” as very few people will respond to this. Instead say “Download our new app to save ‘x’ amount on this item this month”.
You can also send out updates every time there are changes to the app such as “we have just added a new loyalty coupon to the mobile app. Try it out when you next come in to save big money!”.
Email Newsletters
When sending out newsletters, let people know about your app and clearly state the benefits or value to the customers similar to how you would incentivise people on your social media channels.
Text Messages
If you have a database of mobile numbers from customers who have used your services, you can send them all a text message informing them about your new app with download links. Remember to incentivise your message by including an offer or a coupon.
QR Codes
Display QR Codes in strategic places that will automatically direct customers to the app store to download your mobile app. These QR Codes can be displayed in your businesses’ window, on your marketing material, in your advertising campaigns, on your website and other key places. You can even have some leaflets printed up without incurring too much cost and you can distribute these to anybody who comes into your business.
In Store Visibility
Posters and flyers in high traffic areas should have information about your mobile app and the benefits of downloading it.
Website Visibility
You need to reserve some space on your website to promote your app just like you would need to do with your newsletters. Again remember to give people a reason and a hook to download the app through some kind of promotion or special offer. You will get a lot more downloads this way!
Word of Mouth
This is one of the most effective ways to get people to download your app. If your business does a good job in adding value to your clients using clever promotions, this will happen by itself.
On Hold Messages
If your business automatically plays on hold messages when someone is phoning in, this is a great opportunity to let the called know about your app and some of the great benefits of downloading it.
Run Campaigns With Other Businesses
If you know of other businesses in a similar industry (but are not a direct competitor) whose app has been downloaded many times, you can ask them to send out a push notification to all their users to let them know about your app for a small fee. This is a powerful referral technique that can pay dividends and when used wisely, can result in lots of downloads.