Blog Post



Why Every Business Owner Should Take Ownership Of Their Mobile App

  • By Eazi Business
  • 29 Oct, 2016
Over the last few weeks our blogs have focused on why businesses need a mobile app and the most effective download strategies to achieve long term success. However, a key variable in the success of any mobile app is the business owner and whether they take ownership of their mobile app. Although not solely responsible for the success or failure of their mobile app, business owners play a crucial role in how well a mobile app performs in terms of overall download numbers and implementation. Having a range of download strategies to entice customers as well as engaging content within the mobile app is vital, without the business owner and frontline staff taking ownership it becomes difficult for the mobile app to reach its potential.
Whilst mobile marketing consultants can advise any business on a range of download strategies as well as content creation, the implementation of download strategies within the premises are very much dependent on the business owner and staff. The reason for this is that front line employees generally have the most contact with customers and are able to execute the strategies on a daily basis. As mobile marketing consultants are not permanently based in the business they cannot enforce the strategies that they advise.

How can the business owner help?

Once a business owner accepts ownership of their mobile app and realises that their role is vitally important in any mobile marketing strategy, they can expect to see positive results. Many business owners have limited contact with end customers as compared to front line staff who interact with customers on a daily basis. Having said that, there a number of initiatives that a business owner can put in place to take full ownership of their mobile app and ensure a greater level of success.
For instance, a business owner can make the downloading of the mobile app a key component of the businesses daily routine. Making sure employees understand the reason for maximising download numbers and the process involved in actually downloading the mobile app is crucial to the longevity of the app. Ensuring that employees prompt customers to download the mobile app or explain the benefits to customers is another great example of how a business owner can take ownership of their mobile app.
Displaying promotional literature within the business to promote the mobile app is a step a business owner can take to make a tangible difference to the success of their overall strategy. Posters, leaflets and table tents directing customers to download the mobile app are just some examples of the range of materials that can be created and implemented. Increased online visibility can also be instructed by the business owner in terms of asking website administrators or social media managers to display links to download the app online. By putting these steps in place a business owner can potentially see a significant rise in the number of downloads achieved.
Making use of the functionalities and capabilities of mobile app is another way that a business owner can take ownership of their app. For example, regularly using push messages to send out offers to users or making loyalty programs app specific are aspects that could see the mobile app excel. Once a business owner understands that a mobile app is a key ingredient within their marketing mix and not a replacement for other marketing activities, they can expect to see significant benefits.
The role of employees or front line staff within the business premises is paramount to the overall success of every mobile app strategy. As mentioned previously in this blog, employees generally have the most contact with customers and are perfectly placed to increase overall download numbers.
For example, while a customer is waiting for their order to be completed they can be prompted to download the app. Similarly, when a customer is preparing to settle their bill at the counter they can be prompted to take advantage of a discount by downloading the mobile app. Providing customers with information about the mobile app and the reasons why they should download the app is a great example of how employees can maximise overall download numbers.


As we have seen throughout this blog, ensuring that the business owner and his or her employees take ownership of the app is crucial to having a well-rounded download strategy. Mobile marketing consultants can provide advice and guidance on a range of strategies that will be appropriate for the businesses needs but the implementation of in-premises methods fall within the remit of the business owner. To find out how Eazi-Apps can help your business develop and promote a successful mobile app please contact us today.

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