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Don’t make These 4 Typical Marketing Errors

  • By Eazi Business
  • 21 Jul, 2017
Whether you’re just starting out on your entrepreneur journey or already have an established business, a successful marketing strategy can have a huge impact. Unfortunately, it’s an area that many organisations struggle with, making common mistakes that ultimately harm their growth potential and customer base. But don’t worry, we’ve covered four typical marketing errors so you can reassess your plan going forward.
An effective marketing campaign can have multiple benefits, attracting new customers, improving engagement with existing clients, adding credibility, and so much more. With so much to gain, it’s worth investing time to make the most of your resources. These are four errors you should make sure you don’t make.
  1. Failing to understand customer personas
Every business needs to fully understand its customer persona, it doesn’t only inform product and service decisions but your marketing too. Twitter might have over 320 million active users but if it’s a platform that your audience rarely uses, a Twitter campaign will have a limited impact. A clearly defined customer persona can help you capture the right tone, style, and context for your marketing efforts.
Don’t be too rigid with you customer persona concept though. Your marketing strategy should bring you a wealth of data to understand what your customers want and how best to connect with them, allowing you to evolve.
  1. Focusing on yourself
When you start a marketing campaign shouting about yourself and what you do is typically at the centre of your mind. But focussing on you is often a quick way to turn off both your current customers and prospects. Instead, every marketing aspect should be crafted with the audience in mind. So, make it about them – It’s all about value proposition. Rather than simply announcing your latest product, tell your customers why they need it.
  1. A disjointed marketing strategy
A common mistake, especially for those new to the world of marketing, is to put all your eggs in one basket. If the bulk of your efforts are focusing on a single area or each element is working separately from others, it’s time for a rethink.
Every aspect of your marketing plan should connect to create a well organised machine that’s constantly developing. Understanding that different marketing tools can result in a variety of benefits, with each element complementing other platforms. Your email marketing might be used to point existing customers in the direction of a sale, while your blog adds authority. Blend different techniques to create a plan that’s right for you.
  1. An inconsistent approach
Do you go through periods where marketing is a key focus but then enthusiasm drops off? It’s a common mistake that many businesses make. Of course, with multiple areas to juggle it can be easy for businesses to put marketing on the back burner but it could undo all your progress. Consistency is essential when it comes to marketing. Setting out a regular plan that’s frequently reviewed in light of recent analytics is the way forward if you really want to maximise your marketing potential.

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